Jan 1, 2012

New blog for a 366-day project! :)

I've decided to stop letting myself believe that I am capable of having a writer's block every few weeks. So, as an attempt to get more regular at writing and understand my writing style a little better, I am attempting this 366 day project. One blog post a day come what may. Prose, poetry or a photograph I clicked on that day (The third option because I feel like a shutterbug on some days). Here'e the link: http://rohinikejriwal.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

You haven't written a post yet..
.हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी.

aashish walia said...

well that will depend if u wana squeeze out sumthing...or ome could just let it flow on it own.